Style Me Pretty posted a great piece on Lizzie and Matt's wedding the other day. It was a huge collaboration between Alison Events, Lizzie and Matt, and me. It was and will be one of my favorite weddings of all time. Check out the post here with all the details and photo's. I won't bore you with posting them again.
I wanted to write a little about the process on this one because their wedding was so unique and vibrant, both in color and details. And that came from months of exploring lots of possibilities with Lizzie and Matt and Kelsey from Alison Events. Lizzie really had a vision for what she wanted and being that she is so well informed in the design world, working with her was really an education. And I would have never come up with anything close to the outcome if it was just me working on my own.
There were lots of fun meetings and lots of phone conversations between all of us and I remember really trying to sway Lizzie away from black. I was totally scared of black and teal. But Lizzie really had a vision. And we all loved this orangy red - that I'm still obsessed with - but I was so worried that black would be, well, crazy. Not weddingy enough.
I remembered a photo from an old vogue I had ripped out years ago and by the grace of Google- searched for 'lady smoking, teal, black and pearls' and it popped right up.

Perfection, right? Black and teal with a bit of red! Colors are powerful things. I didn't remember that it was Babe Paley or shot by Horst P. Horst, I just remembered how stunning and chic the image felt. As did a bunch of other people, because Google had no problem with the cues I gave.
I was sold. I didn't exactly run around with that tear in my hand showing everyone how great it was and that I was basing my confidence on a women who said 'you can never be too thin or too rich', but I did look at it often during the months leading up to Lizzie's wedding. And it is still my desktop image now.
I guess my point is, everything is a process. And that is part of the fun in planning your wedding. To be able to share ideas and try and translate who you are into a day that means so much is a whole journey. So be brave with your color (or lack of color) choices! Find things that you love and work them into your wedding- if even just a hint of something. That meaning will translate into so much more.
Totally hooked on Lizzie ? Well, you can get a daily dose of her and her amazing eye for all design related things here. Totally blown away by Alison Events? Yes, we all are. Follow what those ladies are up to here.
Totally need an interior designer to help you find the most amazing fabrics? And overnight them to you on the eve of a meeting? Or just need some day to day inspiration? Go here and see my friend Amanda.
Okay, more photo's, less talk next time. Thanks for reading. And thank you Lizzie, for having the best style and teaching me to listen.
You have the best taste and style my friend.